It’s about time to tune up that bike in the garage, dust off those skates in the closet or maybe just get out those walking shoes.

Not only is spring around the corner, but CicloIrvine is coming back soon.

From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on May 3, Ivine will close a section of Campus Drive to cars and open the stretch between University Drive and Culver Drive to bikers, skaters and pedestrians.

It’s the city’s second annual cars-free event to bring together the community and celebrate clean air.

Last May, the city closed down a stretch of Barranca Parkway and cheered on the recreationists with live music, dance groups and strolling mariachis.

Inspired by the word “ciclovía,” Spanish for bikeway, similar car-free events have been hosted locally by Santa Ana, Garden Grove and Los Angeles.